Free Crochet Blanket Pattern (Scraps of Yarn Blanket)

Free Crochet Blanket Pattern (Scraps of Yarn Blanket)




  • Varies

  • Showing in finished size: 65” L X 42” W


  • Weight - #4 Worsted

  • Color: Assorted

  • Qty: (2) Balls per color of any combination

  • Showing In: (2) balls each of 7 shades of gray/white


  • Yarn needle


  • US N15/(10.00mm)


  • Beg = Begin                

  • Ch = Chain(s)      

  • Cont = Continue

  • Dc = Double crochet   

  • Rep = Repeat      

  • Sc = Single crochet

  • Sp(s) = Space(s)          

  • St(s) = Stitch(es)



With 2 strands of color #1 joined together

Ch any EVEN number until you reach your desired width.

Row 1: Dc in 5th ch from hook (sk sts count as 1 dc + ch 1), *ch 1,  skip next ch,  1 dc in next ch*. Rep from *to* across to last ch. End with 1 dc in last ch (so 2 dc at end of row). Ending stitch count should be 2 less than original chain count.

Row 2: Ch 4 (counts as dc + ch 1), turn; *skip next dc,   dc in next ch-1 sp,  ch 1*.  Rep from *to* across to last ch-1 sp, dc in last ch-1 sp.  End with 1 dc in top of ch 3. Rep row 2 for a total of 5 rows.

Switch to color #2 and work another 5 rows.

Cont to work in stitch pattern, switching colors every 6th row, until desired length is achieved.

Note: Length of blanket will grow considerably, as the stitches will stretch a lot.

You will end with a “grid-like” piece of work.



You’ll be creating longs chains that will be weaved through each ch-1 space.

With 2 strands joined together

A.    Join yarn to last dc made at lower edge. Determine number of chains needed by using the following calculations:   Beg chain count_   x   5 Rows  =  ____  (Ex: 100 chs  X  5 rows = 500 chs).

B.   Create long chain.

C.   Fasten off.

D.   Thread chain through yarn needle.

E.    Weave chain, from left to right, under and over 5 rows, in ch-1 sps to create woven appearance.

F.    Fasten off.

Note: After creating the 1st long chain, you’ll have a better of idea of the exact number of chains you’ll need.    Add or omit chs as needed for the remaining 5 row blocks.

G.   Add next color to last chain made and create next long chain.

H.   Continue to create long chains and weave into ch-1 sps, until you’ve reached the end.



A.   Work one row of sc down both sides of blanket or any edging that you choose (Showing with an additional 5 rows down each side in white).


  • If you have enough of (2) color left over, use 1st color to create 5 more rows to your blanket and the 2nd color to create your chain.

  • use 1st color to create rows down long side of blanket (See: White rows down both sides of my blanket) and the 2nd color to create your chain

  • If you have enough of EACH color left over, add fringes to each ch-1 space on short ends of blanket. Remember: The goal is to use up all your scrap yarn!



 Sew in loose ends.


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